Monday, 23 February 2015

Reading Task Week 4

Your task is to choose an ARTICLE/non-fiction text from a book in your browsing box.
Read this carefully, then on this post, write a comment that includes these things:
- Name of the article/book and the author.
- A brief summary of what you found out from reading it.
- Five interesting words/ new vocabulary from the text, including what that word means.
Don't forget to write in full sentences that make sense and finish your comment with your name.


  1. The book I read was called magnificent Masks the author of this book is:Sharon Parsons
    The world famous mask maker name is:Michael Taylor when he was a kid he used to make paintings drawings and sculptures in his own garage.He studied art sculpture and marine biology since 1976 he has been sculpting masks for exhibitions and peoples homes by Kyla

  2. EARTHQUAKE by frank pederson and grame tavendale .Setting the scene. there is something happening it feels like a earthquake. quick get under the table. everyone was probably doing the same thing. Earthquakes are dangerous they can break peoples houses by Riley

    1. Good description on what every one is doing Riley and good choice of words
      by Ethan

  3. VANISHED by susan grifths .dead as a dodo
    a dodo is a type of bird it is a type of pigeon they are flightless they are well behaved they dont attack or fight they had their extinction was in 1680 was the last on earth was the night before
    by jaimee lucas

  4. My book was called Eco -heroes agents of change the author was Sharon parsons I found out that that its important to not use up all your water because it will cost you a fortune .There is a model earth covered in plastic bags I learnt about a man called shimon schwarzschild he helps song birds he discovered Assisi song birds were being hunted and killed . My five words are endangered decades procedure declining Atlantic by bella

  5. 5 interesting words I found were:
    Biology this means the study of plants and life. Exhibition this means a art show or something people show how good their art is. Corrugated which means to shape something into a ridge which is a high length and applying which means putting something onto something by Kyla

  6. The book that I read was called Water for our world By Geoff Thompson.
    DID YOU KNOW That if we don't have clean water we wouldn't be alive today.
    That is why many people take clean water for granted.
    The five words that are now in my vocabulary or are interesting words to know
    Irrigation,sanitation,sculptures,Hindu and diarrhoea. The meanings of these words are:

    1. Catchment. Supply water to land or crops.
      Conditions relating to the public health.
      A follower of the Hinduism.
      A condition in witch faces are discharged from the bowlers frequently.
      The action of collecting water especially the Collection of the rainfall.

  7. This book is called Living in Space, it is about how satellites are builded,space food and space sleeping. I recommend you should read this book because you can see cool rocket ships and you can imagine looking at the world.

  8. I think people should read this book because it tells you how your body works try this... Put two fingers on your neck, just under your jaw. Press gently to find your pulse. Count how many times you feel your pulse beat in one minute. Now run for one minute. Count your pulse again. What do you notice?
    Why do you think it has changed?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Title: Antarctic Seals
    Author: Alan Parker and Catherine Parker
    I found out that seals have fat,streamlined bodies with shot, thick fur.
    Leopard seal hunt penguins underwater because they can't more fast on land.
    By Charlotte

  11. Title: Pigeon Post. Author: Philippa Werry. I found out that pigeons used to deliver mail, and once a pigeon called Cher Ami saved 194 people by delivering a message of where they were when they were lost.

  12. Title: Fuel For The Future
    Author: Geoff Thompson
    This Book explains our energy supply and how we can save energy so we have more for the future. The book also talks about energy fuels that do not harm the environment and cause pollution.
    My five words I did not know were:
    1. Conveniences
    2. Manufacturing
    3. Uranium
    4. Adequate
    5. Sustainability
    By Cooper

  13. Title: Water
    Author: Mike Graf
    That two thirds of our body is made out of water
    1. Ancient means people from along time ago
    2. Aquifers are like giant sponges
    3. Condenses are forms are tiny droplets
    4. Evaporates becomes water vapour which is invisible gas
    5. Aqueducts are old fashion bridges.

    By Connor

  14. Title:patterns of light.
    Author:Feana Tu'akoi.
    I learnt that if you zoom in on a camera you can see patterns.
    Look closely and you will see different patterns on water.
    By Myanna

  15. Title: Awake in the dark
    Author: Dawn McMillan
    This story was about two kids at camp, camp is alot of fun and they got to go on a gokart. At night they heard scary things but then found out what it was.
    Five words:
    1 Instructor is used this person gave instructions to the kids
    2 reassuringly was used by theo to comfort his friend
    3 Interrupted was used to describe cody interrupting his sleep
    4 whispered was used to describe the boys when scared in the dark
    5 suggested was used by dad to give the boys an idea
    by CAYDEN
